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Sir Jadunath Sarkar, CIE, FRAS (1870-1958) was termed as “one of the greatest Indian historians of his time” whose erudite works “have established a tradition of honest and scholarly historiography.” With his specialization on medieval India and Mughal history, and a vast knowledge in Persian, he authored several scholarly works in English on Indian history. He served as the Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University from 1929 to 1932. In 1929, the British Government knighted him. FIHCR pays tribute to this stellar historian of our times by instituting this Fellowship in his name to foster the kind of historiography and research– honest and scholarly, that Sir Jadunath undertook all his life.

One important vertical of the Foundation is the one-year Fellowship “Sir Jadunath Sarkar Fellowship for Indian History.” This is to foster new scholarship in various aspects of India’s past.

Foundation Fellowship Program: Promoting Indian Historical Research

Each year, through an open call for proposals, the Foundation will advertise the Fellowship. There would be five categories of Fellowship themes each year: Ancient Indian History, Medieval Indian History, Modern Indian History, Freedom Movement & Post-Independence Indian History.

Open to Indian nationals only, including those staying outside India, the Fellowship involves a total grant of Rs. 15 Lakhs, payable as instalments on the completion of milestones by the Fellows. The commitment from the selected Fellows is to bring out a publish-worthy manuscript at the end of the Fellowship period.

Criteria for application is demonstrated and proven competence in research and writing skills. A Graduate Degree is the minimum requirement & a Masters/ Ph.D is an added plus. A degree in history alone is not mandatory, but certainly a bonus. In exceptional cases, these could be waived off in favour of a meritorious candidate. While submitting your proposal, please feel free to detail out the scope of the intended research, additional knowledge that this would add to the discipline, the themes that it will envisage and a structured road-map of the literature review, research methodology, writing, leading towards publication.

The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by an esteemed jury and then the 5 awards made. The decision of the jury is final. During the course of the year, the 5 Fellows will receive a stipend of Rs 15 Lakhs, along with mentoring, onboarding workshops on research methodology, writing skills and so on.

Specific milestones will be there during the Fellowship and disbursal of stipend will be dependent on deliveries at those fixed milestones. Periodically a Fund Utilization report and also progress report on status of research & writing need to be given. A seminar on findings by the mid-year mark and an Annual Conference at the end of the Fellowship to present findings will be conducted. Thus, each year a new cohort of Fellows will join the emerging group of scholars in Indian history.

At the end of the Fellowship (with a maximum grace period of 4 months for any exceptional needs on prior permission), the Fellows will make ready a publish-worthy manuscript whose copyright they will hold. The Foundation will make best efforts to get the manuscript published, though the Fellows are also free to publish their manuscripts themselves. A copy of the research material will be made available to the Foundation for its archival purposes.

Important Dates for Fellowship

20 June


Announcement of the first cohort of Sir Jadunath Sarkar Fellowship for Indian History

5 July

Proposal Submission

Last Date for Submission of Proposal as per guidelines:

20 July


Intimation to shortlisted candidates:

Jul – Aug


Interviews to be scheduled by end July- early August 2024

Mid August

Fellows Announcement

Announcement of Batch 1 Fellows:

Journey of a Fellow

A monthly status report with budget utilisation details to be provided
Phase 1
Month 1
  1. Induction  
  2. Orientation to writing skills & research methodologies  
  3. Guest lectures
Phase 2
Month 3
  1. Scoping the project
  2. Literature review
  3. Chapter wise planning of the proposed book
Phase 3
Month 6
  1. Mid Year Review
  2. Presentation of findings
  3. Working sessions to eliminate roadblocks if any
  4. Roadmap towards publication
Phase 4
Month 12
  1. Project Closure
  2. Submission of Manuscript
  3. Presentation of Findings in offline Conference
  4. Graduation Ceremony
Phase 1
Month 1
  1. Induction  
  2. Orientation to writing skills & research methodologies  
  3. Guest lectures
Phase 2
Month 3
  1. Scoping the project
  2. Literature review
  3. Chapter wise planning of the proposed book
Phase 3
Month 6
  1. Mid Year Review
  2. Presentation of findings
  3. Working sessions to eliminate roadblocks if any
  4. Roadmap towards publication
Phase 4
Month 12
  1. Project Closure
  2. Submission of Manuscript
  3. Presentation of Findings in offline Conference
  4. Graduation Ceremony
Foundation for Indian Historical and Cultural Research (FIHCR)

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