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धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणाम् उपदेशसमन्वितम्

पूर्ववृत्तं कथायुक्तम् इतिहासं प्रचक्षते ॥

“Dharmartha Kaama Mokshaanaam Upadesha Samanvitam Poorvavruttam Kathayuktam Itihasam Prachakshate”

- Kalhana, author of Rajatarangini

The narratives of history, told in story form, serve not only to illuminate the past but also to guide towards the attainment of the four purusharthas: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. With a didactic element embedded within, these narratives are known as Itihasa, or history.

In India, the narrative of our history has often been dictated by external voices, allowing the apologists and collaborators to wield influence. Now, it’s time for us to take control of our own story, with our scholars offering perspectives and insights that reflect our unique Indic narrative.

The Foundation for Indian Historical and Cultural Research (FIHCR) is a private, non-profit, apolitical & non-governmental organization. It is aimed at reviving, preserving, and promoting India’s rich historical and cultural heritage by reestablishing India’s historical and cultural narrative, fostering pride and ownership of Indian identity among its people. By doing so, it would contribute significantly to the intellectual, cultural, and social fabric of India at large.

Our Mission to Redefine Indian History

Sir Jadunath Sarkar Fellowship for Indian History

One important vertical of the Foundation is the one-year Fellowship “Sir Jadunath Sarkar Fellowship for Indian History,” in memory of celebrated Indian historian Sir Jadunath Sarkar, CIE, FRAS (1870-1958) to foster new scholarship in various aspects of India’s past.


FIHCR will run multiple research projects annually, including one Major and one Minor project. These projects will delve into historical themes with contemporary relevance, operating within educational institutions or universities where the Foundation has formal ties.


The research material of the Fellowship and the Projects, after their publication, will be made accessible through a public archive. As of now, the Foundation has within itself what is possibly India’s first digital sound archive for vintage gramophone recordings, known as the Archive of Indian Music (AIM)

A New Dawn For Indic History?


Foundation for Indian Historical and Cultural Research (FIHCR)

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